Windsurfing Locations
North West Norfolk is an ideal location for windsurfing and provides a number
of accessible beaches for most wind directions. Please go to the Kite surfing
section on the website which has some great video footage put together by
John Matthews describing the pros and cons of our local sailing spots.
Club Kit
For beginners the club has a number of boards and sails for members to use
free of charge. These are to use from the cub and are not to be taken to other
locations. There are also a number of different sized life jackets which must be
worn. Please ensure that the kit is washed after use and any damage reported
so we can make repairs.
More Advanced Sailing
For more advanced sailors who are more likely to have their own kit, we have a
great Astro turf rigging area with wash down facilities. The club windsurf
members have a whatsapp group who let one another know where and when
people are sailing when it is windy. Please contact the windsurfing rep John Fox
to be included.
Don’t forget your insurance which needs to include 3rd party cover. This is a
club rule. (for example, RYA members insurance –